
GoAkt comes packaged with a testkit that can help test that actors receive expected messages within unit tests. The teskit in GoAkt uses underneath the https://github.com/stretchr/testify package. To test that an actor receive and respond to messages one will have to:

  1. Create an instance of the testkit: testkit := New(ctx, t) where ctx is a go context and t the instance of *testing.T. This can be done in setup before the run of each test.

  2. Create the instance of the actor under test. Example: pinger := testkit.Spawn(ctx, "pinger", &pinger{})

  3. Create an instance of test probe: probe := testkit.NewProbe(ctx) where ctx is a go context. One can set some options

  4. Use the probe to send a message to the actor under test. Example: probe.Send(pinger, new(testpb.Ping)) for a Tell assertion and probe.SendSync(pinger, new(testpb.Ping), time.Second) for an Ask assertion.

  5. Assert that the actor under test has received the message and responded as expected using the probe methods:

  • ExpectMessage(message proto.Message): asserts that the message received from the test actor is the expected one

  • ExpectMessageWithin(duration time.Duration, message proto.Message): asserts that the message received from the test actor is the expected one within a time duration

  • ExpectNoMessage(): asserts that no message is expected

  • ExpectAnyMessage() proto.Message: asserts that any message is expected

  • ExpectAnyMessageWithin(duration time.Duration) proto.Message: asserts that any message within a time duration

  • ExpectMessageOfType(messageType protoreflect.MessageType): asserts the expectation of a given message type

  • ExpectMessageOfTypeWithin(duration time.Duration, messageType protoreflect.MessageType): asserts the expectation of a given message type within a time duration

  1. Make sure to shut down the testkit and the probe. Example: probe.Stop(), testkit.Shutdown(ctx) where ctx is a go context. These two calls can be in a tear down after all tests run.

To help implement unit tests in GoAkt-based applications. See Testkit

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